GGP Engineering

Force Protection Consulting

Tailor made solutions to complex force protection

Our Services

Force Protection Categories

Buildings Critical Infrastructure, modular structures

Underground Protected Facilities

Air Ports, Sea Ports

Vehicles, Aircraft, Marine Vessels

High End Personal Protection solutions

Mining Industry

High End solutions for private clients

Critical infrastructures, Gas & Oil installations

About the Company

GGP Engineering is international company specialized in the design, certification & manufacturing of various HLS technologies & solutions for governmental clients, international organizations, and big private held and public companies worldwide. 

 GGP Engineering provides with tailor made solutions to complex force protection applications combining experience in force protection and an extensive knowledge of materials and technologies.

 Our expertise spans threat analysis, hardening design, and live testing to deliver the most advanced protective measures for governmental, organizational, and corporate clients.

Our Clients:

Worldwide governmental clients


Major banks and privately held companies' worldwide

Air Ports

Data Centers

Oil and Gas Companies

Electric Companies

Construction Companies

Mining Companies

Public buildings and commercial centers

Sports halls/stadiums

Transportation terminals and stations

Our Team

Our team relies on prestige international structural engineers and force protection experts in the field with combined experience of many years.

Our company offers fast and reliable response to our worldwide clients while providing with the most advanced force protection solutions in the current world market. 

Contact us

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